Carey's Bay Hotel 150 years Staff Reunion

Join us for a chance to catch up and reminisce with past friends and colleagues.

Open to former and current employees of the hotel as well as former owners and families who lived and/or worked at the hotel. Currently not open to partners because of space considerations.

Date: Saturday 28th September 2024
Time: 5.00pm until midnight

Fee: $60pp (registration not confirmed until payment received)

Payment instructions: Please make payment to Careys Bay Hotel 06-0901-0387249-25

We would love to have a good collection of photos to exhibit so please send any photos to and we will get them printed to share. Otherwise drop physical copies in at the bar attn Jo

Informal format:
Hello and catch-up- drinks and cocktails (cash bar)
Exhibit of photos
Finger food platter dinner
Careys Bay Quiz- mixed teams

Registration closes Monday 23rd September in order to organize the final details with catering. Cancellation and refund is also available until this date.

Registration Form